Sunday, June 24, 2007

Montverde and Santa Elena

I arrived Wednesday night in San Jose, slept and got on the first bus to Monteverde.

Now you always here about the roads in Costa Rica being bad, well I thought that was partially true, but now I know, the roads here are horrendous. In fact I don't understand why there aren't more accidents or flat tires, but so far haven't seen any.

The bus from San Jose to Monteverde is about 5 hours long and pretty uneventful. As soon as you get off the bus you are bombarded by people trying to get you to come to their place to stay. I met Tamana here and we picked a pretty cool place, only 5 bucks a night in Santa Elena. We just walked around getting prices for the different canopy tours. We picked one that included a little hike along bridges before we did the zip lines. We continued to walk around and explore. We say some cool birds, a huge trantula and all kinds of stuff.

Back at the hostel it was dinner time, which we made some guacamole (this is only the second time I've cooked dinner while traveling) and just met other travelers in the hostel.

Friday morning we got up and waited to get picked up for our canopy tour. These things are so cool. The little hike wasn't that exciting, however we did get to see some strangler figs. These are trees that basically destroy other tress by strangling them, the whole process takes about 200 years. The zip likes start off fairly short and slow and work there way up to being longer and faster. In fact our trip included a repell and the tarzan swing (ummm, this thing is awesome). It was all great fun. There were some parts where you are on the zip line and disappear into the clouds, having no idea where the other end is. After that we just relaxed and hung out some more before we left for La Fortuna on the jeep-boat-jeep.

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