Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Argentina House Party

Saturday night it was Joe´s birthday and he was having people over before heading out to this house party. Vogel had graduation so I headed to Joe´s before Vogel. I show up and it is all Argentinians, which is great, because maybe I will learn some more spanish and be able to participate in the conversation. Joe fixes us some drinks, Brian (another teacher) comes in, along with more Argentines. We hang out, chatting (ok, so I am just trying to understand what is being said), drinking, your typical chill party. Vogel comes and we are off the the party.

I have no idea where I am so of course I am sticking close to the people I know. It is a $5 peso cover charge, which I am okay with. We pay and head into the house. It´s huge! There is a pool in back, with another lounge type area, a kitchen, upstairs and everything. They have a DJ, who is rockin the 80´s, so far it´s fantastic.

Now where the hell is the beer??? We search and finally head to the kitchen where the beer is being stored. Straightaway I begin talking to some Argentin guys, who try to speak Spanish with me and I am doing okay, but then we switch to English. Can´t remember his name, but he actually lives in Barcelona now and is visiting due to some sad circumstances. He is nice and keeps refilling my beer. Vogel and everyone else keep checking up on me to make sure that I am okay. I begin talking to another guy, Emiliano, who spent time in Canada and whos English is pretty good.

Time for dancing. They are no longer playing 80´s, but it´s music I can dance to. We dance, drink and dance some more. I am having a blast. I dance with Emiliano, I think he might like me. Then it all stops. Lights come on and these two girls dressed sort of like clowns come out and do this whole routine. It is so funny, peolpe are laughing and truely enjoying themselves. Of course, I only get bits and pieces because it is in Spanish. Lights go down, music turns back on. Dancing continues, more tradition music, but is still fun. Emiliano spins me around the dance floor and still having a blast.

I go to get more beer and meet another guy, again couldn´t tell you his name, but he was hot. Ladies, haven´t seen the Brazilian men yet, but so far the men in Argentina have been pretty damn good looking. Well he starts dancing with me again twirling me around. (Guys, this is what us ladies want is a guys who is willing to twirl us around). I think a smile was glued to my face. He asked me if American women date younger men (he was 24 and Emiliano 22). I said some do, and then he asked me if I had a dating. Well it´s time to go, and Emiliano finds me and wants to go out with me before I leave, I give him Vogel´s number and vice versa, we plan for sunday. It´s 5:30, time for bed. Ok, maybe one last beer at Blonda, a bar neer Vogels. 6 am, time for bed, I have to get up in 3 hours for the Boca game.

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