Sunday, January 9, 2011

One day at a time.....76 days left in NY

This weekend has been one of recovery. Recovery from my trip to California and recovery from a weeks worth of statistics. Man, was it a long week and it ended up with some 'Mexican' and mojitos on friday for some co-worker's birthdays.

Also we got our first real snowstorm since we've been here, it is so pretty outside with the trees and ground all covered. It's amazing how fast they clear the roads as well.

This week was a tough week. For some reason I was extremely home sick. Maybe it's like one of my friends said, we are returning from a week of food and drink, family and friends and overall relxation from work, etc. Then we have to return to the real world again, where in many cases, the weather also adds to melancholy mood. I am sure it's not just the homesickness for me, but possibly the end of something that I thought could survive. Life must go on and it does, whether you want it to or not.

As there is only 76 days left in NY, I plan to make the most of it. Next weekend we are headed to Boston, what we are going to do, I have no idea. Then possibly back down to NY to visit some friends I haven't seen in ten years. Then Kevin is possibly coming into NY, where we will eat our way through the city. I also am planning on going snowboarding, skeleton luge and some bobsledding!

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