Monday, January 31, 2011

Why I love reality T.V......The Bachelor...possible spoiler for you west coasters

Did I ever tell you I have a reality T.V. addiction. The Real Housewives, Top Chef, Amazing Race, Survivor, The Bachelor, Millionarie Matchmaker....just to name a few. Currently we are in the middle of The Bachelor, with Brad Womack, back for a second time. He is still super hot and there are a ton of girls I like, and a few that really need to go. Did I tell you Brad is hot???

I have watched ever season of The Bachelor and a few of my friends have encouraged me to apply. I would be one of those girls who would probably fall in love and ball on T.V. all the time! Anyways, back to this season. They are currently in Vegas, shopping, performing in shows, etc. Of course, these dates are so freaking unrealistic, no wonder why these girls fall in love in like two weeks.

The girls I like.....Emily, she is a cute blond from North Carolina and just seems very genuine and sweet, she is my front runner. Chantell (there are two and they both have dark hair), both are cool. I like the embalmer chick from Chico, can't remember her name, also seems down to earth.

Girls I don't like....Michele, she just seems like a bitch, get rid of her. Also I think she is super high maintenance. Maybe tonight???

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Philosophical or Melancholy.....

This weekend was a pretty mellow weekend, taxes, work, laundry, etc....Yes I know my life is so exciting! I am looking forward however to this next coming weekend....I will say more on this in a bit.

Moving is a funny thing. I feel that not only will I gain new friendships while I am on my journey, but might possibly lose some of my friendships from my past. Of course, I am on a mission to keep this from happening and with the invention of skype, facebook and email it shouldn't be as difficult. However, I realize that the friendships I do have, I don't want to just communicate this way. A phone call, letter or even a left message is so much more meaningful then anything else. I have great friends and am lucky to have met such wonderful people and I know they will always be my friends. But really....when you are 3000 miles away, living separate lives isn't it easy to get caught up and forget to call, write, whatnot......For some people yes, these are the people who I will call acquaintances and not true friends.

I guess I bring all this up because of these are all long distance relationships, not just the romantic one that I have or don't have. My friends are far away and we now have to work at maintaining our friendship, just like any relationship. Why is so much harder for some people, than others? It's hard, and it's going to get harder when the phone isn't an option, but skype, emails and letters are, but who writes REAL letters these days, so send me those addresses. I plan to, at least each month I hope to send out a few letters to friends and family. Of course, the blog will be going on, but I am sure won't be that exciting.

Long distance sucks! I miss my friends, family and whatever the other one is! I get sad when I hear about my friends doing things that I can't do, because I am not there. To see my friend's kids get bigger and even my niece and nephews. I miss being able to call my friends and say, 'let's go to dinner at sushi cafe,' let's meet at Rubicon, or it's time to pick up our shipment in Amador. Or even our girls nights.....we never did finish Sex in the City.

Long distance sucks, when you meet somebody and really like them. Can it work??? Really??? Or is it just a fantasy. I like to think if it's meant to be, it's meant to be....but is it really. Don't we control our fate and destiny. Is two years too long to ask someone to put their life on pause, even though I am willing to try? I don't know the answer to these questions, I am learning that I just need to take it one day at a time and let the cards fall where they may.

As for that, Kevin is coming out to visit this weekend. We are meeting in Manhattan and it is going to be super awesome. No matter what we are, will be or will not be, this weekend will be great. We have great dinner plans at Le Bernardin on Saturday night and I am sure it will be extremely memorable. It's about the experience we share together and we can add this to the list.

So I leave with this quote, which I thought very fitting for my situation and all the hard work I've put in to get what I want. I do know one thing, I've been told "NO" a lot, but my hard work and persistence has paid off......

"Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Boston and winter

Last weekend a group of us headed out to tour Boston. I've been to Boston a couple of other times, but never in the winter and not sure if I would recommend it. Boston is such a great walkable city that the cold, snow and wind, make it pretty miserable in the winter, however we prevailed and carried on. We arrived Saturday morning (took about 2.75 hours from Albany) in Cambridge where we were staying. Cambridge is located right across the Charles River and is home to MIT and Harvard, both of which we saw.
Once we checked in, we headed on the T into the city to find some lunch. We landed at a place near the Boston Commons, which was pretty cool. The week before Boston had been pounded with a snow storm and there was still remnants of it all over the city.
After our pub fair and drinks, we ventured out in 2o degree weather to follow the Freedom Trail and see some of the sites. We saw the old state house, which was the location of the Boston Massacre, the old city hall, Faneuil Hall, a really old church and cemetery. Also walked around the cemetery, where Sam Adams, Paul Revere and John Hancock are buried. Once finished with there we made our way to Cheers. Here we stopped in for a pint and a bit to eat, though most of us just had a drink. We walked through the Boston Commons to get to Cheers which is located in Beacon Hill. At the first pub we were in, the bartender recommended a place called the 7's. So off we went to find the pub, which we did and it was pretty cool! Then it was off to dinner at this cute little Italian trattoria next door.
Dinner was good, a little on the pricey side, but still good. When we left the restaurant it was snowing outside and made it so pretty out. We wandered through the park, until we made it back near Faneuil Hall, to the pub the Black Rose. Had a couple of pints, then Emily and I wandered back to the hotel, while a few of the other folks stayed out. Man, i am old!
Sunday, we slept in a bit and then wandered back into the city, we wanted to go to the Sam Adams brewery, but it's closed on Sundays, so we thought about hitting up the Harpoon Brewery, well we made it there and were going to get food, however, it is in the middle of nowhere and no food was found. We decided to head back to the commons in search of some food. Wow, nothing is open on Sunday mornings!
After finding some food, we made a game plan to go to the Aquarium, get some cannolis, then hit the road back home. The aquarium was pretty cool, had some great penguins and cool seahorse/sea dragon things that looked like weeds. Then my favorite part of the weekend, was heading into the north end to get some cannolis from Mike's Pastries. I had been here before with my brother and sister-in-law and have been dreaming of them since! They were super good, I got a chocolate cream, pistachio and express cream, all were fantastic and even now I am craving more.
Boston is a great town and I hope to return in more pleasant weather.

Winter here in the NE has been interesting. We have definitely been hit with some big storms, but it hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be. The NYC has gotten more snow then we have. We've had our fair share, but nothing to crazy and they know how to deal with it here. It's really the super cold temps that I am not a fan of. Last week we had a day that was -14 when we went to work! I know that I've never been in that type of cold before.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

One day at a time.....76 days left in NY

This weekend has been one of recovery. Recovery from my trip to California and recovery from a weeks worth of statistics. Man, was it a long week and it ended up with some 'Mexican' and mojitos on friday for some co-worker's birthdays.

Also we got our first real snowstorm since we've been here, it is so pretty outside with the trees and ground all covered. It's amazing how fast they clear the roads as well.

This week was a tough week. For some reason I was extremely home sick. Maybe it's like one of my friends said, we are returning from a week of food and drink, family and friends and overall relxation from work, etc. Then we have to return to the real world again, where in many cases, the weather also adds to melancholy mood. I am sure it's not just the homesickness for me, but possibly the end of something that I thought could survive. Life must go on and it does, whether you want it to or not.

As there is only 76 days left in NY, I plan to make the most of it. Next weekend we are headed to Boston, what we are going to do, I have no idea. Then possibly back down to NY to visit some friends I haven't seen in ten years. Then Kevin is possibly coming into NY, where we will eat our way through the city. I also am planning on going snowboarding, skeleton luge and some bobsledding!

Monday, January 3, 2011

A great vacation home to California.....

This last week I got to go home for the holidays which was extremely great. It was a full week off of work and away from hotel living. I actually flew out on Saturday (Christmas day) and luckily had no issues, making it on time for family fun. It was a nice Christmas and good to be home and around family. I've only been gone for four months, but I think this was the time I needed to enjoy being with friends and family. Did a ton of eating and drinking with the family, then headed back to Woodland.
Sunday was a relaxing morning, just hanging out. I did make a mascarpone cheesecake with Dulce de Leche sauce for Kevin and his parents and it was amazing. I am on a role with this cheesecake stuff. I think I will become a baking fool when I get back to the ATL. Headed over to Kevin's later in the afternoon, where we just hung until his parents arrived. It was really nice to meet his parents and we had a good time, playing cards, which I won (beginner's luck according to Kevin). It was a nice evening and I was super happy to see the Kevster. We went to breakfast the next morning with his parents as they headed out of town and then I headed back to Woodpile to hang out with my momma. Off to my favorite Thai food with Kevin and my Mom. It is by far my favorite Thai food and super cheap. After that is was off to the yarn store, mom was making me a cream colored hat. Then back to woodpile for some yummy turkey soup and a little movie night in.
Tuesday, was Kevin's bday and we decided to take the train in to San Francisco and stay the night. We headed into the city, bottle of wine in hand and a good amount of conversation. Kevin had made reservations at this French seafood place, called Plouf. It was amazing, possibly the third best meal I've ever had. We had so much amazing food, first starting off with the Butternut Squash Soup, mussels, and I had dungeness crab and Kevin had some pork dish. We also had some amazing creme brulee. Soooo good. Thanks Kevin, or I should say "your welcome!"
We had a great night in the city and headed back to Sac for a nice relaxing day, then off to meet mom and Aunt Diann for some shopping and dinner. It's always nice hanging out with them. We all get along very well. I love my family.
Thursday again was a mellow day, Kevin and I actually got stuff done, then were off to meet my posse to hang out. Again a fairly good night and it was great to see all my friends. I've discovered that this is a problem when I don't live there anymore. I have some great friends, but didn't get a chance to see them all this trip. Hopefully next time, I can squeeze in some more friends visits.
Friday was a little rough, but some how we managed to rally and head down to Galt for NYE. Thanks Zach and Danielle for picking us up and Greta for driving us home. You're the best!!!!!
Saturday was pretty worthless and we didn't get out of bed until super late (Kevin is a bit lazy)!! :).
However, we did make dinner and go see a movie with some of his friends. Sunday was a sad day. I was leaving a town I love, people who are great and a guy I met at the wrong time. We did have a good time and am glad we got to hang out. Life is so funny that way. I guess with it being the new year, I had a lot to reflect on for 2010. This was actually a pretty amazing year for me. I graduated finally! I got a job and i met a boy, who for the record is pretty awesome. Are you sure you don't want to move to the ATL???? I can only hope that 2011 will be as good, but as Kevin pointed out, I will be living in three different cities in a year. Currently in New York, headed back to Atlanta in March, then off the giant sandbox. Ahh, glad to be in a job I love and working with some amazing people, but I miss my family and friends back home.